
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my everyday life. Home, travel, food, lifestyle.



ennis sunset 714

The last thing I wanted to do this morning was to get out of bed and go jogging. Rain kept jarring me from sleep throughout the night and into the early morning but once it stopped I believed it to be already past the time I usually go out for my workout. As I crawled out of bed to check the time, I could not make the excuse to stay in bed since it was still before 09,00.

We talked about whether I should stay or go and he convinced me to go walking instead of jogging. I knew I would feel better afterwards, so I got dressed and set out on my walk. With my headphones on listening to music, I felt energised once I reached the park and thus decided to jog my two rounds. The only stops I made were the two times I passed the gym equipment for a little weight training.

I returned in 45 minutes and showered before making our smoothies for breakfast. Two peaches, one half-frozen banana, vanilla bean yogurt, milk, and the spoonful of whipped cream which was left in the blender from last night's dessert made for a tasty meal this morning.

At noon we walked out together and parted ways again by the coffee shop. I had a little time before my eye exam so I decided to have my usual cappuccino and scone. The eye exam was my first one ever and thus I did not know what to expect. My long-distance vision was 20/20 but my near vision was slowly deteriorating from repeated computer use. Thus, the optician suggested reading glasses which I have yet to choose from the great selection available.

The rest of the afternoon I spent walking around and buying more ingredients I needed for the carrot coriander soup I made for dinner. I was glad to be walking from store to store instead of sitting in a car even if it meant my having to walk for hours and make several trips up and down the five flights of stairs each time. I also wanted to make sure his laundry was finished so that we had one less thing to do on his days off next week.

We realise this time my trip here is less of a vacation and more of the everyday life we will one day have together though not as soon as we would like. Whilst he is at work, I am at home doing things I would normally do at home. Though our situation is unique in that we are together but apart, we somehow make it work and trust that one day our home will be on one continent instead of two.

As the sun set tonight behind the distant mountains, I marveled once again at the beauty of the colours. Tonight nature chose to display lovely pinks with grey and white clouds above. I now look forward to the next sunset to record on my camera so that I may always remember the summer I lived in Ireland.